Thursday, May 17, 2007

Deriliction of duty

would be what the type of police work done in the Obara case. (Obara was acquitted of the murder of Lucie Blackburn last month.) Another victim's---Carita Ridgeway---mother, Samantha, talked about police "professionalism" in the investigation of another murder by Obara. There seems to be a pattern of incompetence in law enforcement here. If they can't force a confession, they have a hard time getting coping with suspects.

From a Japan Times Online article byBy Eric Prideeaux and Jun Hongo:

...despite repeated pleas for an inquiry into Nishida, the family said police ignored, and even harassed, them, meanwhile apparently never seeing fit to arrange an autopsy following 21-year-old Carita's death. Local and municipal police, prosecutors and hospital officials refused to speak to The Japan Times about the case, citing privacy concerns.

...two detectives instead began accusing Samantha's boyfriend of dealing drugs and Carita of overdosing on drugs he provided.

Find article HERE

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