Friday, April 13, 2007

The ingratitude of China after all Japan has done!

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao is in Japan and seems to be trying to improve relations with the country. Abe's denials about the sex slave issue do not seem to have derailed efforts to repair the damage done by Koizumi's visits to Yasukuni.

It seems that not all Japanese are impressed. The extreme right-wing nutjobs in noise trucks were out in force. (Do these goofs have jobs? Where do they get their money? I know they are connected with the yakusa, but still...)

In a sign that tensions remain, however, members of Japanese right-wing groups cruised the streets in dozens of trucks with loudspeakers blaring anti-China slogans, and security was tight.

"China is stealing Japan's resources," shouted one, referring to a dispute over oil and gas reserves in the East China Sea.

Some folks here see Japan as sort of superior to others because, according to the delusion, Japan/Japanese put principles before money. Many other countries and people care ONLY about money. I have heard many versions of this, Fujiwara I'm sure feels this was the Japanese traditional way. (After all, he wears the world's most bizarre-looking combover as a matter of principle. Some might pay him to cut it off his bald noggin', but I suspect he'd refuse.) These types do not appreciate it when they try to buy some money loving foreigners and they don't stay bought:

Wen has sought to use his human touch as a diplomatic tool, but some ordinary Japanese watching from afar were skeptical.

"I saw him on TV and he seems to be nice," said housewife Yasuyo Komori, 66, as she took her daily walk inside the palace grounds. "But I don't have a good image of China," she said.

"The Chinese people seem to think Japan is bad. We've given them money and their leaders should tell them that because there is a lot of ill-will," she said.

I am sure that if the Chinese government told the Chinese people the truth about Japan since WW2, the average Chinese would have a much better impression than the distorted one they have now. However, I sort of doubt that the fact that Japan sent money to China (no strings attached, out of the kindness of its heart of course) that people would forgive all. Perhaps, just perhaps others have some principles which are not for sale either.

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